Research Centers

Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute

The Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute was launched in 2010 to establish an intellectual powerhouse of the world’s top faculty and graduate students focused on creating effective tools of economic theory that will lead to policies and institutions that address major socioeconomic problems. The Institute is a global initiative in the College of Liberal Arts designed to inform and influence public policy by supporting and promoting frontier economic research and by communicating its findings to leading academics, policymakers, and business executives around the world.

Minnesota Economics Big Data Institute

MEBDI is a newly established research institute at the University of Minnesota that promotes and produces applied economic research that harnesses the power of big data under the guidance provided by economic theory. The institute brings together economists from the University of Minnesota economics department and outside researchers from broad backgrounds to contribute to this mission.

Economics Research Library

Economics Research Library

3-145 Hanson Hall


1:00–4:30 p.m.

The Department of Economics funds their own library, the Economics Research Library (ERL). The collection consists of economics and mathematics books, economics journals, working papers, and a few government publications. The ERL also houses the department archives. The library was created in 1967 with a donation of items from Professor Jacob Schmookler.

The library can be used by anyone; however, only faculty and graduate students from the Department of Economics may check items out.